R script to import SCE's CSV with NEM

 # need to use your own file name

# also check how many rows you need to skip reading on top

file_name <- 'use_your_file_name'

skip_r <- 13

output_name <- 'SCE_home1.csv'

temp <- read.csv(file_name, skip = skip_r)

colnames(temp) <- c('date_time','usage','remark')

# adding a remark column to denote if the energy is "delivered / DLVR"

# - meaning from SCE / grid, or "received / RCV" - meaning to SCE / grid.

# need to figure out how to change column names in line to date_time, usage

# and remark instead of changing them after read.csv

temp$usage <- as.numeric(temp$usage)

# convert the usage to numeric instead of char

temp$date_time <- substr(temp$date_time,1,19)

# remove the "to" portion of the date_time

temp_df <- temp %>%

  filter(!grepl('Data', date_time))

# keep only the data that we need - which is rows with date/time info

# and where remark portion shows "Reading quality"

# I'm keeping the "Reading quality" because it is also the starting point

# for the delivered / received header.

# set up iterators 

# max_loop is the total number of rows

# tracking is to determine if it's DLVR (even) or RCV (odd)

max_loop <- nrow(temp_df)

n <- 1

track <- 0


while (n < max_loop) {

  while (temp_df$remark[n] != "Reading quality") {

    temp_df$remark[n] = CURR

    n <- n+1



  track <- track+1

  if (track %% 2 == 0) 

  { CURR <- 'DLVR'} 


    { CURR <- 'RCV'}


# remove all data rows in date_time column that doesn't contact 202*

# which is the starting year.

temp_df <- temp_df %>%

  filter(grepl('202', date_time))

temp_df$date_time <- as.POSIXlt(temp_df$date_time)


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